This is a reminder that preregistration for Conclave ends on Sunday, March 19th. I don’t know what specific time it ends on Sunday so please don’t wait until the last minute. If you need any persuasion, then please listen to the perks of Preregistering.
It is cheaper.
You get access to the Section trading post before the event.
You will receive a special gift from the lodge for FREE!!
If you preregister you guarantee your spot for one of the closest Conclaves to you
There are a lot of reasons to go to the Section E-3 conclave. Again, the cost is $50, it is located at Camp Yocona in Randolph MS. The link to register is https://gsm.tentaroo.com/section-conclave
I have a Challenge for everyone if we reach our attendance goal of 75. Someone at Spring fellowship will have the opportunity to throw a pie in my face. If we exceed our goal, another person at Spring fellowship will have the opportunity to pie our Great Lodge Advisor Steve Argo!
I look forward to seeing everyone soon!!
Yours in brotherhood,
Mitchell Haggard
2023 Lodge Chief